X_ art education seriesO N G O I N G _ The works in these two series were designed for an Arts Education Session with the ECAP learning school “Fehler Sind Wichtig/Richtig.” The first series depicts images painted directly from from the student textbook, following a surreal scenario designed to illustrate “Murphy’s Law” (that everything that can possibly go wrong will.) This series follows a mishap between the textbooks lead couple – an Indian man and German woman who together run a curry/pizza house and after buying a toy for a friend of theirs (a wind-up frog) loose it’s enamel key in an order. The food gets delivered plus key and we never find out what happens to the person who ordered dinner, though we do see him in the last shot presumably complaining. This series was extended by the pupils and photographed. SERIES: Murphy’s Law (28 x 14 cm) – Acrylic on canvas, 2013 For the second series, I imagined a whole series of objects which we are familiar with in daily life under the snow. Some were personal and non-guessable/abstract (best-friend/last kiss on a bench) others were designed to be more clearly guessable (money, wallet, foetus.) In talking about the images and imagining what appeared under the snow, the participants were encouraged to think about what they had lost, feared loosing and the conversation developed into a more emotional discussion, some claiming women’ rights under the snow. SERIES: Under the snow (28 x 14cm) – Acrylic on canvas, 2013